SOLD!!! School District #25

  • Live On-Site Auction:
    Sat, Jun 26th 2004, 12:00 PM
  • 3330 Hwy 30 W
    Warehouse Facility
    PocatelloIdaho  83201
  • Commercial Lawn Mowers, Pickups, Moving Van, Playground Equip, Oak Desks, Pianos, Welder, Computer Supplies, TVs/VCRs, Projectors, Library, Supplies, Child Care Items, Shop Equip, Chairs, File Cabinets, Video Cameras, Fitness Equip & More!

Commercial Lawn Mowers
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JACOBSEN HR-15 Commercial Lawn Mower, Perkins 4 Cylinder  Diesel Engine
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TORO GROUNDMASTER 325-D Commercial Lawn Mower, Power Steering

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1982 Chevy Scottsdale Diesel, Duel Wheel, Flatbed 4x4

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1986 Ford Econoline Van

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Trailers, Campers & More
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Master Imager
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AM MULTIGRAPHICS 875 Electrostatic Master Imager

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Lincoln R35-325 3 ph Welder, DC, MC 7 Wire Feeder, Mig Gun  

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Library Card File Cabinets and More! 

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Overhead Projectors
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Video Equipment
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School Desks & Chairs
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Lots of Used Computers
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...and The List Goes On.
Oak Desks
TVs & VCRs
Playground Equipment
Computer Supplies
Weed Eaters
Fitness Equipment
Shop Vacuums
and So Much More!

Come See What Else Shows Up!!!

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