995 SOLD Equipment/Business Auctions
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SOLD! Multi Seller, Collection,…
Wood Shop, Antiques, Lumber, Household
- Online Wednesday:
Wed, Sep 27th 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Tue, Sep 26th 2023, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- 2221 S 5th Ave
3223 Ave of the Chiefs
Pocatello, Idaho 83201
- Riding Mowers, Elk Mounts, African Oryx Mount, Knives Collection, Historical Guns, Ammo, Crocks, Toys, Yard Tools, Furniture, Coins, Jewelry, Silver, Tools, Antiques, Doors, Appliances, Wood Shop, Lumber, Building Materials and So Much More!
You will probably find it here. The variety is wonderful. A bit of everything for everyone! Sellers from all over find this a great place to sell some amazing goods. Bidders get ready. Bidders bid and whoever is in the lead at the end is the new owner. For all its personality and all of its good and glory.
Pickup: Wednesday Until 5:00 PM, Thursday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
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SOLD! New Store Return,…
Grocery, Decor, Patio, Seasonal
- Online Sunday:
Sun, Sep 24th 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Sat, Sep 23rd 2023, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- 4155 Yellowstone Ave
Behind Planet Fitness, Pine Ridge Mall
Chubbuck, Idaho 83202
- 1100+ Lots Posted! Max Bid Now, Watch Lot and Log In as each item closes. Every 20 Seconds until 7:00 PM. Get your toilet paper here, sometimes. Paper Towels and about every other thing you use in your home. Big Variety from Electronics to Storage. See you at the auction day pickup. Free Donuts at Preview.
Items may be scratched, dented, need repair, missing parts, partial sets or broken. As - Is.
Pickup: Monday - Tuesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
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SOLD! Love Your Store Returns -…
Furnishings, Grocery, Seasonal, Decor
- Online Sunday:
Sun, Sep 17th 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Sat, Sep 16th 2023, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- 4155 Yellostone Ave
Next to JCPenney, Pine Ridge Mall
Pocatello, Idaho 83202
- We hope you find something you love, right here. Bid Now items closing every 20 seconds. A wonderful selection!
Items may be scratched, dented, need repair, missing parts, partial sets or broken. As - Is.
Pickup: Monday - Tuesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Temporary Phone Number 208 242-4939
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SOLD! Store Returns, Furnishings -…
Decor, Grocery, Seasonal, Variety
- Online Sunday:
Sun, Sep 10th 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Sat, Sep 9th 2023, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- 4155 Yellowstone Ave
Former Herbergers at Pine Ridge Mall
Chubbuck, Idaho 83202
- 658 Lots Closing Today! Pickup Tomorrow or Tuesday... Big Selection arrived! Tell a friend. Friends know you care when you invite them to participate in the auction with you. Furniture, Storage, Grocery - Bulk Lots and Individual Lots. Max Bid or Follow as the lots close!
Items may be scratched, dented, need repair, missing parts, partial sets or broken. As - Is.
Pickup: Monday - Tuesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Temporary Phone Number 208 242-4939
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SOLD! Community Multi Seller -…
Equip, Antiques, New, Materials, Variety
- Online 2nd Saturday:
Sat, Sep 9th 2023, 9:30 AM
- Inspection:
Fri, Sep 8th 2023, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- 2221 S 5th Ave
1 Mile from ISU, .5 Mile from Exit 67
Pocatello, Idaho 83201
- Lumber, Building Materials, Appliances, Tools, Tool Boxes, Riding Mowers, Generator, Couches, Guns, Ammo, Canoe, Fishing Supplies, Garden, Camping, Power Roller (in Idaho Falls), Kitchenware, Swords, Knives, Tires, Mannequin, Industrial, Shop, Furniture, Guitar, Coins, Jewelry, Books, MORE! 1600 + Lots to choose from.
A wonderful day of bidding, buying and finding the things you would like in your life. Something you can use right here. Items arrive from people just like you. Business Liquidations, Estates, Retirement, Moving, Private Collections, Government, Bankruptcy, Banks, Lenders will sell here! Be sure you are here to buy!
Pickup: Saturday until 4:00 PM, Monday - Tuesday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
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Wholesale Store Returns - Mall
TODAY! Bid On It! Get lucky! Now Posted!
- Online Sunday:
Sun, Sep 3rd 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Sat, Sep 2nd 2023, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- 4155 Yellowstone Ave
Next to JCPenney
Chubbuck, Idaho 83202
- 960+ lots posted. BID NOW before it is gone! The things you like from the Big Box will be here! Great items posted! Watch Lot, Bid Now and Check Back. A wonderful selection!
Items may be scratched, dented, need repair, missing parts, partial sets or broken. As - Is.
Pickup: Tuesday - Wednesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Closed on Monday for Labor Day)
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Wood Working Shop - Pocatello
Lathes, Drills, Tools, And More! TODAY!
- Online:
Wed, Aug 30th 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Tue, Aug 29th 2023, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
- 8037 Portneuf Rd
Pocatello, Idaho 83204
- TODAY! Find some great wood working finds here! Bid on lathes, drills, bits, saws, and so much more!
Pickup: Thursday 10:00 AM - 1:00PM, Friday 12:00PM - 2:00 PM
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SOLD! Big Box Store Returns - Mall
Grocery, Electronics, Furnishings TODAY
- Online Sunday:
Sun, Aug 27th 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Sat, Aug 26th 2023, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- 4155 Yellowstone Ave
Behind Panda Express
Chubbuck, Idaho 83201
- TODAY! Watch Lot, Bid Now and Check Back. A wonderful selection!
Items may be scratched, dented, need repair, missing parts, partial sets or broken. As -Is.
Pickup: Monday - Tuesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
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SOLD! Community Treasure Wednesday
Estates, Business, Collections, Auto, RV
- Online Wednesday:
Wed, Aug 23rd 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Tue, Aug 22nd 2023, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- 2221 S 5th Ave
3223 Ave of the Chiefs
Pocatello, Idaho 83201
- Equipment
Construction Equipment (3)
Farm Equipment (4)
Industrial (6)
Office Equipment (2)
Restaurant Equipment (1)
Tools (48)
Ammo, Knives, Accessories (44)
Household Goods
Antiques, Collectibles (45)
Books, Magazines, Posters, Paperwork (3)
Children, Toys (25)
Clothing, Shoes, Luggage, Accessories (15)
Decorations, Art, Craft (34)
Electronics, Entertainment (22)
Furniture, Household Items (217)
Health, Fitness, Beauty (6)
Holiday (2)
Jewelry, Watches, Gems, Rocks, Stones (32)
Kitchen, Household Appliances, Cleaning Supplies (24)
Lawn Care, Outdoors, Storage (24)
Remodeling & Home Improvement Resources, Lumber (5)
Sporting Goods, Outdoor Activities (39) Auto/RV
Automotive Accessories (13)
Cars (10)
SUVs (11)
Trucks (2)
Coins, Bullion (24)
Paper Money, Tokens (2)
Pickup: Wednesday until 5:00 PM, Thursday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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SOLD! Mix Store Returns - Chubbuck
Furnishings, Grocery, Storage, Seasonal
- Online Sunday:
Sun, Aug 20th 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Sat, Aug 19th 2023, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- 4155 Yellowstone Ave
Pine Ridge Mall
Chubbuck, Idaho 83202
- JUST ADDED! 1000+ Lots posted. Cataloging more today. Items added up until the day of. Watch Lot, Bid Now and Check Back. A wonderful selection!
Items may be scratched, dented, need repair, missing parts, partial sets or broken. As -Is.
Pickup: Monday - Tuesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
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SOLD! Buckley Estate - Idaho Falls
Big Selection - Farm to Furnishings
- Online Wednesday:
Wed, Aug 16th 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Tue, Aug 15th 2023, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- 12088 N 25 E or 12118 N 25 E
Ucon Area, Hwy 20, Exit 315
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401
- 800+ Lots! Several Shops, Sheds and Barn Finds, Tools, Antiques, Showcase, Saddles, Tack, Furniture, Vintage Clothing, Big E Levi, Household Goods, Tractors, Vintage Farm Implements, Classic Vehicles, and SOOOO Much More! Check Back Often.
Pickup: Thursday, Friday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Offsite Auctions have limited pickup times and very limited bring backs.
If you miss pickup times the items could be forfeited, no refunds. Do not bid if you cannot make pickup arrangements.
There is not equipment available to help load out farm equipment, heavy tools, groups or vehicles. You will NEED to make your own arrangements and have your own help to load and remove.
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SOLD! Love Your Store Returns -…
Furnishings, Grocery, Patio, TODAY!
- Online Sunday:
Sun, Aug 13th 2023, 1:00 PM
- Inspection:
Sat, Aug 12th 2023, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- 4155 Yellowstone Ave
Pine Ridge Mall by JCPenney
Chubbuck, Idaho 83202
- Appliances, Kitchenware, Decorations, Electronics, Televisions, Do you have a bidding strategy? Who bids, when? Team Bidding? Teamwork or Solo? Max Bid or Bid as Bidding goes? Find your style and the items that work for you. Someone will own these items. Everything sells to the high bidder 100% Sold each week! Cataloging Daily. Items added up until the day of. Watch Lot, Bid Now and Check Back. A wonderful selection!
Items may be scratched, dented, need repair, missing parts, partial sets or broken. As - Is.
Pickup: Monday - Tuesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Temporary Phone Number 208 242-4939
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